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Send us an email. We don't respond to every one but we do address reported issues.

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Submit a resource

The library will thrive if the community supporting it helps us evolve. Click the "Submit a resource" button at the top of the page to tell us about resources.

Frequently asked questions

Thank you for exploring the Systems Library. Here are some answers to common questions. If you don't find what you need, contact us.

How can I submit a resource?

Use the button at the top right of every page "Submit a resource". There, you'll find a form to fill in. We will review submissions and add relevant recommendations to the library.

How do I remove my resource?

If you are featured in the systems library and do not want to be -- contact us. We will follow up to ensure that you are the creator, then remove the resource.

How do I report a link that doesn’t work?

Thank you for helping us to debug! If you find anything on the site that doesn't work, contact us. We'll fix it. You can also send a screenshot to

Can I recommend myself or multiple resources?

Yes! If you want to recommend yourself, use the Submit a resource form. If you are an expert with multiple suggestions, contact us and we'll send you a link for multiple submissions.