Frequently asked questions

Thank you for exploring the Systems Library. Here are some answers to common questions. If you don't find what you need, contact us.

How can I submit a resource?

Use the button at the top right of every page "Submit a resource". There, you'll find a form to fill in. We will review submissions and add relevant recommendations to the library.

How do I remove my resource?

If you are featured in the systems library and do not want to be -- contact us. We will follow up to ensure that you are the creator, then remove the resource.

How do I report a link that doesn’t work?

Thank you for helping us to debug! If you find anything on the site that doesn't work, contact us. We'll fix it. You can also send a screenshot to

Can I recommend myself or multiple resources?

Yes! If you want to recommend yourself, use the Submit a resource form. If you are an expert with multiple suggestions, contact us and we'll send you a link for multiple submissions.