Decision by Design

Decision by Design

Decision by Design is a 12-week training program for high achievers who want to consistently make great decisions, confidently take risks, and strategically position themselves for the best possible future.

“Our life is the sum of our choices.”

Every day, we are faced with decisions—decisions about what to work on, how to spend our time, and how to invest in our health and relationships.

Make the wrong choices, and we end up spinning our wheels for years without getting anywhere…if we’re lucky.

What usually happens is far worse. Not only do we waste time, we watch our health deteriorate, our careers stagnate, and our relationships come under strain. Perhaps worst of all, we watch impotently as our opportunities to create the life we want slip away…forever.

Writer and philosopher Albert Camus said, “Our life is the sum of our choices.” If that’s true, then understanding how to consistently make good decisions should be our top priority.

Decision by Design teaches you the skills and systems you need to confidently make the best decision—every time—in every area of life.
